

Hi everyone, My name is Roxy! Before moving to Boise 5 years ago, I was a lifelong Oregonian resident.

I am an indecisive and ever-evolving Facilitator at BBP, and I love helping folks find their next bike to ride. Some call me (including myself) a master of none, expert in everything.

I bring an expertise in sarcastic jokes and am learning to become a specialist in petting dogs. Still learning.

When I am not at the shop, I can’t live without cornflakes. I am a judger of disc golf but a participant in the prestigious sport of bike polo. I also dabble in the fine arts of karaoke.

A bucket list item I have is to travel more, and to train in the philosophy of “live large, laugh often, and love every day”.

When I ride to work, I ride on my brakeless fixed gear with extra hip points.