The Best 16 Years of My Life. A Retirement Announcement Letter From Jimmy


When I launched BBP in 2007, I was 25 years old. I had a vision of transforming Boise into the Bicycle Capital of America and the youthful energy and audacity to actually believe I could do it. I’m 40 years old now, and after the best 16 years of my life, I’ve decided to retire from BBP. My last day will be on Friday September 29th, 2023. I’ve put a lot of thought into this decision, I’ve experienced every emotion I can think of along the way, and there are three emotions that continually emerge: excitement, confidence, and extreme gratitude. 

I’m excited for BBP. I’m excited for BBP’s team of leaders and emerging leaders. I’m excited for the impact I know they will continue to have. And I’m so excited to see them turn new dreams- their dreams, into a reality. 

I’m beyond confident that the strength of BBP is ingrained in our team (staff and board). I’m confident that BBP’s community of passionate supporters is stronger than ever before. I’m confident that the biggest, most inspiring, and most transformational impact is yet to come. And I’m confident that now is the right time for me and BBP to move on to a new and exciting phase. 

Gratitude isn’t a big enough word to capture what I feel the most. I’ve often described myself as the biggest beneficiary of BBP, and I truly believe it. For some reason that I will never understand, thousands and thousands of you joined a ride with a dumb 25 year old firefighter/bike mechanic with no nonprofit experience and you never stopped pedaling. What makes BBP unlike any nonprofit in Boise (maybe even the world!) is that its key strength is the ability to collect and magnify the strength of every person involved. The strength you’ve offered me and invested in BBP brings me to tears. I can’t understand it. Gratitude isn’t a big enough word. 

After 16 years, I love this place just as much as ever. I love the thousands of smiling kids riding their BBP bicycles, and I love all of you for being part of it. I can’t wait to spend the next four months with you, celebrating all we’ve accomplished together, and getting our collective hands greasy a few more times. 

I still believe Boise will one day be the Bicycle Capital of America, a place where every kid has a bike, a city where every family in every neighborhood has safe and amazing places to ride, and a community where everyone is welcome and all bikes belong. All it will take is your faith and willingness to keep dreaming big, and your continued tenacity to never stop showing up. 

In next week’s newsletter, we will follow up with our detailed plan for the transition ahead. It will include a job posting for a new Executive Director, ways to support BBP during this exciting and important time, and a save-the-date for a retirement party on October 7th, exactly 16 years from the day we launched BBP! 

Ride on Boise!

Jimmy Hallyburton


BBP Hiring New Executive Director!


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