BBP Hiring New Executive Director!

Being the Executive Director of BBP for the last 16 years has been the honor of my life. I can’t imagine another job as fun, fulfilling, and with such capacity to create community-transforming change!

I can say confidently that there is not another nonprofit in Boise more equipped (staff, community support, partners and relationships, financial stability, etc.) to reach its vision for Boise. As I close the door on my time as BBP’s Executive Director, I’m so excited to open it up for someone else and see where they, and BBP’s staff, go from here!

BBP is looking for deep pool of candidates for this role and we’d like to have the new Executive Director begin in early September. That means we need your help in spreading the word that this position is open! Please share this incredible opportunity with anyone you think might be interested on your LinkedIn page and other social networks.

Thanks Boise! Ride On!

Jimmy Hallyburton


Your Brand New BBP Executive Director!


The Best 16 Years of My Life. A Retirement Announcement Letter From Jimmy