Boise Bicycle Project

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Top 10 "Must Dos" For Boise Goathead Fest

Boise Goathead Fest (Season 2) is just a few weeks away and we want to make sure you’re ready for one of the biggest bicycle festivals in the entire country. So here is your TOP 10 THINGS to do to make the most of this Pedal-Powered, Wonderfully Weird and Bonafide Boise party. Please read and share with your friends.

1. Become an Ambassador! This is the number one way you can support Boise Goathead Fest leading into the festival. It cost about $60,000 to put on a festival of this scale (Tour De Fat used to spend $200,000 each year), and we’re relying on grassroots community dollars to cover most of those costs. As an Ambassador your early contribution, ensures every dollar spent during the festival goes straight to our nonprofits. It also pays for itself with swag and prizes!

Check out the Ambassador Gift Package here.

2. Pull Goatheads! Not only does pulling goatheads reduce the amount of flat tires for every bicycle rider in this community, it also earns you sweet prizes, including beer and ice cream. Check out the pulling instructions and high impact picking zones (areas that BBP donates kids bikes to) here.

Drop you goathead off at North End Organic Nursery before July 31! Our goal is 8000lbs!

3. Get Your Costume Ready! Costumes, especially on Saturday during the parade, are beyond encouraged! You will definitely have more fun in costume. And you will have even MORE fun with a group costume theme. Start planning now and go “all freaking out!” It’s ok to be Wonderfully Weird at Boise Goathead Fest!

Can’t think of a theme… dress up as your version of the Goathead Monster!

4. Phone a Friend! Or Three of Them! Sharing Boise Goathead Fest stuff on social media is great and encouraged, but a personal invites goes so much further in actually building community. Please ask three people that you love and care about to join you on this amazing day. Boise Goathead Fest is about friends, family, and community. Let’s go the extra old school mile and send some personal invites.

And then… post and share about Boise Goathead Fest all over the social media! @boisegoatheadfest!

5. Volunteer! This may be the single best way to meet people at Boise Goathead Fest! Join our 300 person volunteer team and we’ll reward you with beer/beverage/ice cream tokens and all the good times you can handle. From Beer Pourers to Parade Marshalls to Bike Parkers, there are plenty of options for volunteer shifts.

Big thank you to Albertsons for sponsoring our volunteer activation efforts and stations this year.

6. Register For the Parade! Last year’s parade had about 5000 riders. This year we’re shooting for 7000, making it one of the largest bicycle parades in the country. We need every rider to register leading in so we can capture that number and also to keep it legal. There is $5 recommended donation per person (which get’s you the limited edition 2019 parade patch), but there is a free option as well.

Register as an individual, couple, family, or team today!

7. Bring Your Dang Cup, We’re Plastic Free! This year local sponsor MiiR is helping us go 100% plastic free. That means you’ll need to either purchase one our limited edition Goathead Pints, or bring your own 16 ounce stainless steel pint if you want to enjoy the Goathead Beers from our local breweries. We will sell out of the incredible Goathead Pints (Ambassadorship is the only way to guarantee you’ll get one), and some of the Nonprofits will be selling their own, but don’t get stranded without a cup!

8. Support Your Local Breweries! Our local breweries are donating 8 kegs each to Boise Goathead Fest. That’s over a $1000 donation each, and their dedication is allowing us keep beer sponsorship 100% local. These breweries donate $1000s in beer to other nonprofits/causes throughout the year, and we are so thankful for the impact they create in our community. Thank you Lost Grove, Boise Brewing, Payette Brewing, White Dog, Mother Earth Brew Co, Mad Swede, Barbarian Brewing and Meriwether Cider Company for your unbelievable contribution!

9. Fix Your Bike! Don’t show up to the Pedal Powered Parade with a broken bicycle. BBP, Cycling Learning Center and any of our local bicycle shops would be happy to help get you running before August 2-3!

Bonus points for bicycle decoration and freak bikes. In fact bring those freak bikes to the front of the parade so we can show you off to the crowd!

10. Browse The Itinerary! Check out the full Boise Goathead Fest entertainment line up and list of activities here! There will be Goathead Monster Murals, Live Music, Dance Offs, A Super Secret Parade Launch Ceremony, Pedal Powered Stage, Freak Bike Pit, DJs and more!

And don’t miss the kid’s area THE NUTLET PATCH sponsored by The Boise Coop and Onestone!